Among Finnish plants, red clover has been considered the best source of phytoestrogens. This view is confirmed by recent research results, which show that Finnish red clover is rich in phytoestrogens. Analysis by the Measurement Technology Unit (MITY) of the University of Oulu also shows that the differences between different growing locations are minor.
The study was commissioned by Raisan Terveyspirtti, which has developed the Vaicute natural product cream that moisturizes the mucous membranes of a woman's pubic area . The cream was made using red clover from both Kainuu and Satakunta.
“We wanted to know whether the location of red clover growth has an effect on the concentration of phytoestrogens. The research results show that it does not. So Finnish red clover is the same, whether it grows in the north or the south,” says Raisa Mäkäräinen , doctor from Kajaani, developer of Vaicute cream and founder of Raisan Terveyspirtti.
Currently, Raisan Terveyspirtti uses red clover from Kainuu in its Vaicute cream, which grows on an organic farm 10 kilometers away from Raisan Terveyspirtti's production facility.
The phytoestrogen levels were analyzed in four red clover varieties. All perennial varieties contained high levels of daicin, but annual red clover is poorer in phytoestrogen levels than the others. In contrast, the other analyzed varieties Yngve , Altaswede and Gandalf contain all four phytoestrogens, i.e. in addition to daicin, genistein, biochanin A and formononetin.
"It was important to be sure that red clover, which is the main ingredient in our Vaicute cream, developed for the mucous membranes of the pubic area, contains a lot of phytoestrogens," says Raisa Mäkäräinen.
The research results encourage us to investigate how phytoestrogens can be utilized even more effectively in supporting women's well-being.
Raisan Terveyspirtti is also developing internally consumed red clover products, the first of which is red clover tea under the brand name VaicuTee.
According to Mäkäräinen, red clover has long been a significant part of non-pharmacological treatment for menopause in Sweden. "In Finland, people are only now really waking up to the power of red clover and especially to its research. Raisan Terveyspirtti is a pioneer."
The Vaicute natural product cream, which contains red clover and moisturizes the mucous membranes of the pubic area, is Raisan Terveyspirtti's first product. It was launched in the summer of 2021 and is now available in well-stocked pharmacies and several Life stores in addition to the Vaicute online store.
Vaicute cream for the pubic area differs from other vaginal and intimate creams in that it is applied only to the vaginal opening and mucous membranes of the pubic area - Vaicute cream does not need to be inserted into the vagina , which makes it very effective. According to the cream's developer, Raisa Mäkäräinen, most women experience dryness symptoms on the mucous membranes of the pubic area, not so much inside the vagina.
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