Impressive reviews!
100 percent of test users recommend using Vaicute cream.
See what other reviews test users have given about Vaicute, a cream that moisturizes the mucous membranes of the pubic area.
- 90 percent of test users feel that the mucous membranes in the pubic area are more moist and elastic than before using the cream.
- 80 percent experience a decrease in the tenderness of the mucous membranes in the pubic area.
- 66 percent estimated that Vaicute cream, intended for the mucous membranes of the pubic area, increases sexual arousal.
- 85 percent of test users have continued to use Vaicute cream regularly.
- 100 percent recommend Vaicute cream for the well-being of the mucous membranes in the pubic area!
Source: Raisa Terveyspirtti survey of the Vaicute vaginal cream test group 2/2021.
► The active ingredients in Vaicute cream for the pubic area are Finnish red clover , which has been studied to contain a high amount of phytoestrogens .
► Read also : Test group satisfied